Saturday, December 23, 2017
Closing of a Class
I just want to wish everyone in my class the best as we continue on this journey. I just want to say thank you for all those stopped by my blog and made posts. Also thank you to those fellow classmates who are going through this journey with me. I appreciate your time, input, and experiences. I appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow with and from you. Thank you for the support and words of wisdom. They really have helped me through my journey. Whatever it is that this class leads you to, I hope that it helps you accomplish your dreams and know that You can make a difference. Good luck to you and may God continue to guide your steps!!
Saturday, December 9, 2017
you work in a group sometimes the hardest and best times are when you say
good-bye and the project is over. I see it like a job you have been working at
for years. It is bitter sweet. Groups “adjourn or disband when a project or task
comes to an end” (O’Hair, Wiemann, Mullin & Teven, 2015, p. 249.
the past when I have worked in a group, it was bitter sweet. I was glad it was
over but am gonna miss the good things. I tend to be a bit of a control freak
and want things to get done on time, etc. So as a result, I will take on more than
is fair or I should as a result. And no one is gonna stop me because that means
less they have to do. So really, I am hurting only myself. I am a people pleaser,
so me to say no is hard. Even in my current job, I have been told that things
happen to me because I allow them to. They are right, I don’t know any other
way. I see it as, which battle to choose, this just isn’t one of them. And,
there are worse things I could do or complain about.
think that groups where communication was hard, and expectations were not laid
out ahead of time is easier to adjourn. Even if the expectations were laid out
but not met, those groups in my opinion are not hard to leave. They do leave an
impression though and are ones that you never forget but still glad that you
will not be a part of it any more.

the past when we had to have “termination rituals, or final get-togethers” (O’Hair,
Wiemann, Mullin & Teven, 2015, p. 249), they were pot lucks, parties, or
dinners. It seems like if things have to come to an end, it is best with food.
I am all for that.
we adjourn from this master’s degree program, I hope that all my colleagues
would finally meet and walk across that stage to collect our diplomas with
dignity and grace. It will be a great moment to relish in our accomplishments.
I did not walk across the stage when I graduated with my bachelors’ so for me
personally, it will be an extra special moment. Dinner afterwards would be
great too. Some kind of celebration, I hope.
believe that adjourning is an important part of teamwork because it is what
solidifies the process. It is what gives it closure. When we don’t get that and
just walk away, it could leave uncomfortable voids. However, by having
adjourning and participating in a termination ritual then you know the job is
done and we are free to move on with no regrets or questions.
O'Hair, D.,
Wiemann, M., Mullin, D. I., & Teven, J. (2015). Real
communication (3rd. ed). New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Nonviolent Communication, Conflict Management & Disagreements
I am no one special. Just like
many, I encounter disagreements on a daily basis. Recently I encountered a
disagreement with my mom during a very stressful time in our families lives. In
her way to deal with the emotion she lashed out at me and got very angry. Because
it is my mom, I was very torn about how I should move forward. I have known
people in the past to just cut them loose regardless of who they are. Without
going into details, I will say that I am very warranted if I so choose this
route, however, it is not me and goes against my beliefs. So, I have chosen to
evoke the strategy of Forgiveness. It is hard. “Forgiveness does not condone,
excuse, or allow me to forget their transgressions or behavior, but it does
allow me to reduce the reaction I choose to engage in” (O’Hair, Wiemann, Mullin,
& Teven, 2015, p. 235). This strategy puts me in control and still allows
me to live my life in a way that pleases me. I am choosing a nonviolent
conversation to have with my mom. I am sure the relationship will be different
from now on. I am sorry if you cannot relate, but I ask that you do not judge
my decision, especially since I have not given total details. I have always said
that I love my mom and will not always like her decisions but will always love
her but the last disagreement we had crossed the line way more than any of you
can comprehend. Also through the third side positioning, I sympathize with how
she feels and understand that her behavior is based on how she is dealing with
a personal family matter, however, I am going through it too, and as a way to collaborate
with my mom, I will do what I can when and how I want to from now on (The Third
Side, (n.d.). This may not please her but I have to do what pleases me.
I have shared
this situation with several people to include colleagues I trust and admire.
They are in disbelief but understand my positioning. They also agree with my
decision. I don’t want to stop communicating with my mom but see that I first
have to forgive, perhaps walk away like a timeout, but still can communicate but
in my time and terms. This is a hard decision for anyone to make. Emotions are
high and can play into my decision. I have consulted several people as to what
my path should be and this seems to be the best solution for my mind, spirit, soul,
and emotions.
When we
disagree, we should take time to reflect, consult with someone and just talk it
out with someone else. Their insight and outside perspective can be very
helpful as to what should be your next step. I am glad that I have supportive
people around me to help, cause I know if I had to make this decision alone it
could be bad, wrong and regrettable. Nonviolent conversations are great but if
emotions take over, it could no longer result in nonviolent. While we would all
like to make compromises sometimes the opportunities are not always there. In
every situation, the best solutions may not be the same each time.
O'Hair, D., Wiemann, M.,
Mullin, D. I., & Teven, J. (2015). Real communication (3rd. ed).
New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.
Third Side. (n.d.). The third side. Retrieved from
Saturday, November 25, 2017
My Communication Style
I was so nervous to have people evaluate me. The people I
chose were my sister and my husband. I do understand that this is very
necessary for me to see how people see and understand me. Once I got over the
initial shock and uncomfortably I just accepted it. Finally, when I went
through the information, it wasn’t so bad. My husband is the person I am with
the most. He sees me on a daily basis, through good and bad. However, my sister
knew of me in my less popular days of my past and some days in my present,
however she knows my character overall. I am her older sister by quite a few
years so I want to lead by example for her.
Based on
the information, in the area of communication anxiety, both my sister and
husband rated me low. I gave myself a higher rating but only to the next level
which is mild. This tells me that others think I have less communication
anxiety than I think of myself. This gives me confidence though.
Finally, for
listening, we all agreed that I am a people oriented person. I even knew this,
so this was not surprising to me. I want others to be comfortable. The
description is true of my character too. I definitely trust people more than I
should. I leave myself open to get hurt, but I can promise you it only happens
Both of these have taught me to incorporate them in my professional and personal life. I see that I use them, great things will come when it comes to communication. I need that help, honestly. Communication is so important in both areas of life.
This week,
I remembered that our appearance tells others a lot about ourselves. We know
that but this week I learned really what they could be saying and why. I found
it interesting and gave me lessons for the future and life. I will definitely be
sharing this with others to include my children.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Cultural Communication
Just like our families make us who we are, so does the culture.
And because of culture, it affects the way we communicate. I have been told
that I communicate with people differently. I have experienced many cultures in
my lifetime. I have seen people who do not share the same culture and try to
communicate with each other, it is very interesting and then I reflect on how I
communicate with others and I do the same. My mother is Korean, and my family
always know when I talk to her because my words are broken etc. My mother has
lived in this country my whole life, so her understanding of the English
language is good but I still communicate this way so that she understands. I
look like and idot in retrospect, but I continue to do this. Even I when I
lived in other countries, this was habit. I thought I was doing well and being
offensive, but through my studies of people and communication I see it
differently now.
One of the things
that I have learned this week is about culture myopia. I originally thought
this was about being prejudice or discriminatory, however after further
understanding I see that it is not really that, it is just someone who has
lived a certain way or lifestyle and see someone who does not relate in the
same way and don’t consider or accept their way suffers from cultural myopia. I
shows that people live differently, it makes us a great melting pot. It is so
hard when others don’t accept or find others relevant. It makes them narrow
minded, and gives others the perception that they think their way is the only
Another thing that learned this week was about the Platinum
Rule. Yes, we should treat others the way we would like to be treated, however
not everyone wants the same thing you do in life or period. So, in retrospect
this theory cannot be applied to everyone. However, according to the Platinum
rule, treating others how they want to be treated sounds better for the other
person. Now, this skill requires a little more insight and investigation on the
other person to know how to treat them. I see this applying more to people you
know as oppose to strangers. For example, I know friends who want flowers,
where I do not want flowers. So, to give them flowers knowing I don’t like them
caters to their wants as opposed to mine. It did require me to get to know them
but it will have great rewards in the end.
Finally, the last
thing I gained insight on this week was the information on the “Generational
Characteristics” (Beebe, Beebe, & Redmond, 2011, p. 92). I did not know that
my generation has great insight to my interpersonal communication skills. I
kinda of agree with what my generations says about me, however, I do not always
do what the majority of people do. I see that the values for each generation
seem to be right and very interesting to see people I know who fit into those
generations and make some sense of them. In all honesty I like to see things
like this, it always gives me more insight to myself, friends, family and
others I know.
Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Redmond, M. V. (2011). Interpersonal communication:
Relating to others (6th ed.).
Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon
Friday, November 10, 2017
Episode Analysis-Communication Understanding
For my latest assignment I had
to watch a television show with the sound off.
Back in the day I loved Judge Judy. It just so happened to come on again on my day off, so I chose this. I don’t get to watch it anymore and haven’t seen it in years.
Back in the day I loved Judge Judy. It just so happened to come on again on my day off, so I chose this. I don’t get to watch it anymore and haven’t seen it in years.
Based on what I have learned
this week, through communication, without any sound. It was an interesting
experience. I had to use what I knew about communication to watch it without
sound. I had to rely heavily on my other senses. I could read a little bit of
their lips but mostly what I got from the episode was body language, facial
expressions and facial expressions from audience members. Their behaviors told
me a lot of what was going on even though I could not hear anything. I did
witness deception. An “attempt to convince others of something that is false”
(O’Hair, Wiemann, Mullin, & Teven, 2015, p. 99). There was a lot of
gestures and body movements that was evidence. These things may not have been
picked up if there were sound, but since I had no sound I had to rely on these
types of movements and gestures to gain some kind of understanding. Previously,
I understood facial expressions but never knew of “oculesics.” “Oculesics is
the study of the use of eyes to communicate” (O’Hair, Wiemann, Mullin, &
Teven, 2015, p. 104).
Because of
the type of show it is, the relationship is parents of a young child, daughter.
They are not together. Based on what I saw, and how they perceived to be
communicating, they are upset with each other and felt the need to bring things
to court because they could not verbally communicate civilly with each other.
Based on
their facial expressions, body movements, and gestures, I would say the feeling
of the people involved to include Judge Judy was aggravated, irritated, lying,
disgust, astonishment, and agreement and times
After watching
the episode with sound, I got more clarity. I watched it differently because I
had sound. The emotions, gestures, and facial expressions were different to me
watching this episode. Before I heard any sound I had already made a impression
of the characters, and after the sound was introduced made my feelings stronger
about them. The sound just heightened my opinions. Nonverbal communication gave
me an insight, but verbal brought it all home and could have made things worse.
The gestures and facial expressions made more sense to the words.
Watching it this way is like watching something for the
second time and getting something every time. It could be things you missed
when you watched it the first time. I think this is true for even things you
have seen before. I have seen movies or shows once and then watch a rerun and
see things differently a second time. My eyes are more wide open because I
already know what’s going to happen.
O'Hair, D., Wiemann, M., Mullin, D. I., & Teven, J.
(2015). Real communication (3rd. ed). New York:
Bedford/St. Martin's.
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Competent Communication
Competent Communication
When I think
of someone who exhibits competent communication, I think of my previous boss. I
really did learn a lot from her. She taught me a few things about communicating
as well. She opened my mind and gave me ideas about communicating with others.
I had to learn that it is not a one-way street. I also learned that if I wanted
to get someone to do something I had to understand them, listen to them and
communicate things in a certain way to them. I learned that you cannot
communicate the same way with every person. Not everyone receives information
the same way and therefore communication is individual. I also learned that
wording is huge when it comes to communication. How you ask someone things or
tell them things is so important. With that being said, the words we use is so
important. Something that I have learned through my course of studies, when
writing papers, wording is key too. So, I feel as though, this little bit of
information may be minor to others but is huge to me cause of how much it has
been drilled in lately. I have been taught a lot from my previous boss and definitely
will be using what I have learned from her when it comes to communication. It
proved to be effective when I used it before. It makes lots of sense when you
look at it. It has worked, and I have changed how I communicate. I know though
that I have more to learn and use when it comes to communicating. I am actually
excited about taking my new course in communication.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Professional Hopes and Goals
Through the course of Perspective Diversity and Equity I have learned soooo much on the subject that I feel like I can love, appreciate and respect more cultures and support all of our equality.
One hope that I have as I continue my work with children and their families who come from diverse backgrounds is that I do not want to unintentionally insult them. I want to respect and validate them. I want to get to know them better. I find the differences better. In the past, while I liked the past, I would unintentionally make comments or try to correct things that I saw them doing that was different. Now I want to embrace that, encourage it, and validate the differences. Just because a family's culture is different from the dominant culture does not mean I can not support them/that. I want them to know that we all matter.
A goal that I have set for the early childhood field that is related to the issue of diversity, equity, and social justice is to validate all cultures. We matter. I want to spread to others what I have learned about Diversity through this class so that other colleagues who did not have the opportunity to take this course still have the opportunity to be educated and not unintentionally insult another person who is not like ourselves and finally and probably most important, identify our own social identities. We must first know who we are before we can tackle someone else, especially children and their families.
Finally, I want to thank all of my colleagues and fellow classmates who have helped me grow through this process. I have really learned a lot about diversity, equity, social justice, and myself. Your input and feedback was valuable. I know that I am not in this journey alone, so again I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Good luck to us all.! :)
One hope that I have as I continue my work with children and their families who come from diverse backgrounds is that I do not want to unintentionally insult them. I want to respect and validate them. I want to get to know them better. I find the differences better. In the past, while I liked the past, I would unintentionally make comments or try to correct things that I saw them doing that was different. Now I want to embrace that, encourage it, and validate the differences. Just because a family's culture is different from the dominant culture does not mean I can not support them/that. I want them to know that we all matter.
A goal that I have set for the early childhood field that is related to the issue of diversity, equity, and social justice is to validate all cultures. We matter. I want to spread to others what I have learned about Diversity through this class so that other colleagues who did not have the opportunity to take this course still have the opportunity to be educated and not unintentionally insult another person who is not like ourselves and finally and probably most important, identify our own social identities. We must first know who we are before we can tackle someone else, especially children and their families.
Finally, I want to thank all of my colleagues and fellow classmates who have helped me grow through this process. I have really learned a lot about diversity, equity, social justice, and myself. Your input and feedback was valuable. I know that I am not in this journey alone, so again I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Good luck to us all.! :)
Friday, October 20, 2017
Welcoming Families From Around the World
I am one of the managers at a child development center serving our
military families. A new family has just arrived and is inquiring about putting
their child into our program. However, they are from India. First I will give
them a tour of our facility and tell them about what we do hear and what our
goals and what our mission statement is.
I plan to be culturally responsive to them by using:
- I plan to first and foremost hear and listen to any concerns that they may have with their child in our program.
- I will be observant (but not judgmental) to their ways and behaviors.
- I will not judge and tell them what the dominant culture does as oppose to what I see them doing.
- I will ask if there are any ways for us to incorporate their culture into our program to help with their child’s transition and for us to gain a better understanding of them. Our goal is to know them as a whole family better.
- I will speak to them slowly and clearly, because I have a tendency to speak fast so many do not understand what I am saying.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
The Personal side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression
I would love to say that I have never experienced bias,
prejudice or oppression, however I live in reality and in America. I am an
Ethnic female living in predominant white male America; so I have experienced
one to all the above actions. By now, as much as I have experienced these
incidents it is almost like second nature and at times things that I shrug off.
While that is terrible to think of I have learned that you have to choose your
battles. And many times this is not one of them. These happen to much that I cannot
say that these types of behaviors will ever stop.
An incident that hurt me most but I had to move on if I were to
ever be better, was at work. I had a boss who turned to me for everything and appreciated
that I was great at my job, however when it came to promotion and moving up,
they over looked me and hired someone else for the job. Not only that but asked
me to train that person, everything I knew. It did come up that the new person
could not do the job as well as I did and never did I get the credit I deserve
and when things went wrong, I was the one, they called to clean it up. I had to
leave because I was never appreciated and felt like I was only kept at the
bottom. This was done in a small town. I was not from that town and I was
treated like that. The small town was in Idaho, mostly made up of farmers, etc.
I am an ethnic minority not from Idaho and was only brought there because of my
husband’s career. I was treated like a second-class citizen. It hurt and I
could not continue on. So, in the end, I left. I loved my job, but I did not
fit in so I left and moved on to better things.
With this
particular incident there was no equity. They was a clear action of favoritism.
I cannot say that it is something that is new to me. I have seen it time and
time again. It is not what you know that shines through but who you know that
outweighs anything else. In comparison on standards, if I and the new lady
stood side by side just on qualifications alone, she would not compare. All she
had going for her is that she was from the small town and graduated from the
school years previously. I on the other hand had college education, and
experience in the job, but we saw who won. A true testament to inequality.
I learned a lot
from this experience. I loved my job and have had to take a break from teaching
but it is still in my heart. I am not as hurt as I was in the beginning only
because I don’t like to hold on to things because I know that the only person
this hurts is me. I can probably guess 100% that my old boss sleeps well at
night and is not thinking about me. In the end I don’t like to hold grudges I
need to be free from things so that I can have blessings in my life.
Because of the
small town mentality, I don’t forsee and equality happening here. But if there
was, that mind-frame has to change. We need to offer opportunities to those that
deserve based on qualifications. When promises are made, things need to be
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Practicing Awareness of Microaggression
Awareness of Microaggression
While I have
faced many racial injustices in my life I never quite knew the name for it. This
week I finally was able to get a name to the injustices I faced my whole entire
life. However, while I got this new discovery I also learned a lot about myself
in regarding microaggression. While I receive it many times, I also have
discovered that I too have delivered racial microaggression to others. And like
those, I never meant any harm, I may even have said things as a combat to my
own dealings, no matter the reason, it is all wrong and we need to treat each
other better.
As I started
a new job, I knew people were going to try to get to know me better but not
know just how to ask really how to do that, thus resulting in the
microaggression. I just wish that in many times we would ask or say what we
meant without having to get all politically correct or such. I think that if we
did this it would/could make life easier. I really hate all the footing around
the things we really want to know. In a time like now, if you have a problem
with my perfect English, or confused by the way I look and sound then you are
living in the wrong era. Many countries come from the United States of America
now. In a way and this may be sad, but I wished I lived overseas again. Things were
easier and better to be an American in another country. There is was an
American. I did face the same racial microaggressions but never to the same
magnitude as I do living in the United States.
One thing I
have learned about Microaggression from Dr. Gerald Wing Sue is that “microaggression
is really from the perspective of the recipient. That person really does take
on the burden of interpretation.” (Laureate Education, (2011). I guess if I am
not offended that it isn’t offensive. However, I don’t think that I should stop
feeling offended but may be not everyone is trying to offend me is what I should
be thinking instead.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). Microaggressions
in everyday life [Video file]. Retrieved from
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Perspecitve on Diversity and Culture
Because of the greatness of diversity, we all interpret
and understand things differently and that is ok. I had ask 3 different people
what culture was and what diversity was based on their own understanding of the
word. These individuals are family and friends. Each of different in our own
rights but we all share similarities. I would not let them look it up because I
wanted their raw interpretations. As a result, I found that culture and
diversity means something different to them all. I don’t know however if that
is a good thing or a bad thing because it is very important. My first interpretation
of the answers is that we are so ignorant to each other. We choose what we like
about someone and go with that.
Based on the answers I got in summary, culture is
understood as a group of people that associate themselves with likeness similar
to language, social behavior, habits, etc. Diversity was understood as the
variety in people based on their culture, race, religion, beliefs, etc.
Since I have been studying these things in my
current course I have come to understood culture as what a person associates themselves
with. Through social identities, we gather and associate ourselves with others
with similarities. Culture is the language we speak, race, religion, etc.
One thing that gets overlooked when it comes to
culture is that culture can often represent things that we don’t see on the
outside and can be judged on based on first impressions like, interests and
likes or desires.
Based on what I have now learned and seen what
others believe culture and diversity to be, this only strengthens my knowledge and thinking to be true that we are uniquely divine creatures who just happen to be different
and similar all at the same time. Our differences are what makes us interesting
and unique. I am intrigued when I come across someone who is not like myself. I
want to learn and understand them more; find the similarities and build from
that. I have lived around the world for 14.5 years and loved it. I was a
foreigner in those lands but really got to learn so much from others. I
appreciate our differences. I don't want to create more like me. I don't want uniformity from people. Just because someone is different is not wrong. I don't try to push my thoughts, ideas, or behaviors on them. Instead I would like to share them and then have them share them with me. This is why I have learned to make so many great dishes from all around the world.
Friday, September 15, 2017
My Family Culture
My Family Culture:
Based on a scenario I was given for my “Perspective on Diversity &
Equity” course here is what I have come up with. First the scenario is:
A major
catastrophe has almost completely devastated the infrastructure of my country.
The emergency government has decided that the surviving citizens will be best
served if they are evacuated to other countries willing to take refugees. My
immediate family and I are among survivors of this catastrophic event. However,
I have absolutely no input into the final destination or in any other
evacuation details. I am told that my host country’s culture is completely
different from my own, and that I might have to stay there permanently. I am
further told, in addition to one change of clothes, I can only take 3 small
items with me. I need to take 3 items that I hold dear and that represent my
family culture.
Now that the
background has been laid out and told, here is my response. This assignment was
a big struggle for me. I have learned that many different cultures make me who
I am. While there are a lot of things I want to take, these particular items
bring out culture for me. After much thought, the 3 items I have chosen to take
with me is:
Camera- To share, take, make, and express our memories. I
want to capture everything.
Rice Pot- My Asian side cannot live without rice. While I
can make rice on the stove, it is not my specialty. (lol). My family loves
Rings/Jewelry- Rings have been passed down from parent to
child in my family. The rings represent something that the person wore and
valued and them passed down to be treasured and shared with another generation.
Rings have been passed down to incoming family members as a symbol as well.
Upon arrival, I was told that I could only keep one personal item and
had to give up the other two, I would keep the rings. They have unpriced value.
In a way, they cannot be replaced while I can and hope to buy a new camera or
new rice pot. The rings have a story and history associated with each one and
therefore cannot be replaced or have a price put on them.
Through this exercise I learned that this was very hard. I even tried
to get help from family members and they struggled greatly. This taught me that
I am a very complex, diverse individual who does not have one item to represent
me or my culture. I don’t know if that is good or bad. As I continue on with
this course I will continue to think of these items or even ones that I would
take instead. This is a great question, I will have to share with colleagues. I
hope that it will open their eyes to themselves and their culture or the ones
all around us that we at times take for granted. This exercise really did show
me how different we are. I don’t think it is a bad thing. I have lived all
around the world and have loved the experience and can’t wait to do it again.
However, this time I will have a different perspective on it because of this
course. I will appreciate it all.
Friday, August 25, 2017
When I think of Research....
As I
type and post my last blog for this class, EDUC-6163 Building Research
Competencies, I want to thank my classmates/colleagues for their support and
feedback. Your guys have helped me on my path of growth and knowledge for Early
I have
gained quite a bit of insights about research from this course. I know that
there is so much to consider when doing a research project. It is much more
than a scientific question, where you have a hypothesis, test, results, etc.
While those things are included, doing a thorough research concerning children
is so much more. You must take ethics into consideration and doing the right
thing, while not violating any rights, rules, or common sense.
the beginning of this course it is no secret that I did not like the thought of
research. It made me cringed because I knew what it would take to complete this
course, and it would be some work. I hated to read others research to gain
support for my own research. However, after I the first few weeks of
complaining I made a decision not to complain anymore and do it and look at
things positively from that point on; and I must say it, worked. I have a
different approach of looking a research now.
it comes to conducting research, I learned a lot and everything I now know
about planning, designing, and how to conduct research. None of it is easy but
in the long run, the benefits outweigh the struggle or pain. I learned just
because you have an idea you want to research, there is so much more that goes
into it like, design. You must decide if you want to use a quantitative, qualitative,
or even mixed method research design to say the least of the things I learned.
This whole
research was a challenge for me. I did not want to do it, but now my thoughts
are different. The biggest challenge I had was to come up with a research
topic. I did not know what I wanted to know more of, but now that I have a
topic, I am very happy with the topic. It is something that will benefit my
family and other children.
I feel that because of this class my thoughts on what early childhood
professionals do is so important. This just fortified my thoughts about them
regarding how important they really are. This also just proves that they need
to be seen and taken more seriously and looked at as professionals. I don’t
know many professionals who are capable of writing quality research papers. It
makes me continue to wonder when we are going to be perceived differently and
get what we really deserve? Who else is agreement with me? What all do we
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Research Around the World
This week I was pleased to look at International Childhood Development. I had several choices. They were:
1. Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
2. Early Childhood Australia
3. European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA).
I actually needed to choose one and explore it. However, I was thoroughly intrigued and decided to check them all out. And, I must say, I was very impressed and glad to see that globally we are trying to make a difference in children's lives. I am very pleased to see that globally we understand and know that Children are our Future. We must develop them and develop them well.
As I looked through these websites Early Childhood Australia and The European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) stood out to me because they places I have seen children excel and had a first hand look at children's development first hand. I lived in Europe for 6+ years and although Australia and England have differences, they have many similarities too.
As I looked through both of these websites it was hard to find what research topic each were concerned about. However, after digging I discovered that both were concerned and touched quite a bit on collaboration. I agree and have seen it more relevant in my studies that those who work in the Childhood field must work with families and parents of the child. I have always heard it growing up but since getting into my studies further I see a stressed emphasis on the subject. For good reason too. It is key and very important to the growth and development of a child. If everyone is on board for the child and on the same page then it leaves out confusion for the child. I think that children have enough to get through without the people who mean the most to them are always on opposite ends for the child. I feel that as Americans we firmly believe that however, the actions do not always line up with the words.
Things that were new and interesting for me after exploring the websites was that as the assignment points out " Early Childhood Australia is very similar to our NAEYC, there are many useful resources. I liked how user friendly it was. The website was packed with lots of useful information. I love to see how things are done in another country. I love it when the outcome always benefits the children and their families. I love that we are all trying to be helpful. I also like how the website offers way to use technology. I like that it is trying to stay with or ahead of times. I feel that being current makes you more understanding to the readers and relate-able. It just gives another opportunity to stay connected. In the EECERA website it was great to see journals and an option to write in the journal. I love that I can be a part of it and write something useful and helpful. I liked that especially and found that interesting.
The most noteworthy information I am walking away with from exploring these websites is that in the website titled Early Childhood Australia, it gives an opportunity for additional training's with modules, etc. It also has a tab for Leadership. I like how it wants us all to be better at what we do and offers resources. It really leaves little for excuses.
I feel that you should check them out. I know you will not be disappointed.
1. Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
2. Early Childhood Australia
3. European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA).
I actually needed to choose one and explore it. However, I was thoroughly intrigued and decided to check them all out. And, I must say, I was very impressed and glad to see that globally we are trying to make a difference in children's lives. I am very pleased to see that globally we understand and know that Children are our Future. We must develop them and develop them well.
As I looked through these websites Early Childhood Australia and The European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) stood out to me because they places I have seen children excel and had a first hand look at children's development first hand. I lived in Europe for 6+ years and although Australia and England have differences, they have many similarities too.
As I looked through both of these websites it was hard to find what research topic each were concerned about. However, after digging I discovered that both were concerned and touched quite a bit on collaboration. I agree and have seen it more relevant in my studies that those who work in the Childhood field must work with families and parents of the child. I have always heard it growing up but since getting into my studies further I see a stressed emphasis on the subject. For good reason too. It is key and very important to the growth and development of a child. If everyone is on board for the child and on the same page then it leaves out confusion for the child. I think that children have enough to get through without the people who mean the most to them are always on opposite ends for the child. I feel that as Americans we firmly believe that however, the actions do not always line up with the words.
Things that were new and interesting for me after exploring the websites was that as the assignment points out " Early Childhood Australia is very similar to our NAEYC, there are many useful resources. I liked how user friendly it was. The website was packed with lots of useful information. I love to see how things are done in another country. I love it when the outcome always benefits the children and their families. I love that we are all trying to be helpful. I also like how the website offers way to use technology. I like that it is trying to stay with or ahead of times. I feel that being current makes you more understanding to the readers and relate-able. It just gives another opportunity to stay connected. In the EECERA website it was great to see journals and an option to write in the journal. I love that I can be a part of it and write something useful and helpful. I liked that especially and found that interesting.
The most noteworthy information I am walking away with from exploring these websites is that in the website titled Early Childhood Australia, it gives an opportunity for additional training's with modules, etc. It also has a tab for Leadership. I like how it wants us all to be better at what we do and offers resources. It really leaves little for excuses.
I feel that you should check them out. I know you will not be disappointed.
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Uplifting Story-Research that Benefits Children & Families
In my line of work I come to rely on the research that affects children. I don't any children who have participated in research specifically. I will honestly say that I may be willing to participate in research for children based on what it is for and why. I will only consider research as long as I don't have to give my children any types of medication. It is one thing to expose myself *(which I have) but to do it to my children is another matter.
However, in my everyday use, I depend on articles and research for things like biting and other matters of growth development affecting young children. I have conferences with parents and other teachers to deal with issue. I even print out things for those that are visual learners so they can understand what is happening. I then try to come up with a solution or plan of action as a team. I believe that without this research or information we wouldn't have the solutions we do. In these cases I appreciate the research that was done. I do not believe that harm came to the children. Well, maybe a slight harm, like another child may get bitten. In this case it is understandable. Not nice but an understandable risk. I can't believe that I am saying that. However, when looking at it this way I see it.
However, in my everyday use, I depend on articles and research for things like biting and other matters of growth development affecting young children. I have conferences with parents and other teachers to deal with issue. I even print out things for those that are visual learners so they can understand what is happening. I then try to come up with a solution or plan of action as a team. I believe that without this research or information we wouldn't have the solutions we do. In these cases I appreciate the research that was done. I do not believe that harm came to the children. Well, maybe a slight harm, like another child may get bitten. In this case it is understandable. Not nice but an understandable risk. I can't believe that I am saying that. However, when looking at it this way I see it.
Saturday, July 15, 2017
My Personal Research Journey
I am now taking a research class. I really don't know how I feel about it. At first I was intimidated and looking forward to it. Now that I have had a chance to get my feet wet; I am less intimidated, still not excited yet. I have though decided on a research topic. It is one that I am very excited to learn more about and enlighten others on too. The subject is on ADHD. I want to better understand children with ADHD and how we as educators can help them succeed.
When I first was told I had to have a subject to research, there was nothing that immediately jumped out at me. Not until I later read a post by a fellow student did I then realize I wanted to learn more on ADHD. I have a child who has ADHD and have struggled for teachers who generally want to help her succeed and do so. I have experienced that saying and doing are very different things. I also feel that they may have wanted to but did not really know how to. What works for one child may not work for another; I mean strategies. Well, the process of narrowing down the subject to subtopics has been challenging for me. I want to do it exactly the way the teacher/professor wants, and I seem to be struggling with that too. Unfortunately, this process is not easy for me. I have too much freedom. I am a person who needs you to tell things. After all, I grew up in the military environment and am still heavily involved as military spouse. Where some may like the freedom, I find it overwhelming. However, just like all things in my life, I will accept the challenge and move forward. I do like the learning process. Even though I may not like it, I am learning things outside my comfort level meaning this will give me opportunities to grow. I believe that the first step moving forward is to change my perception of this whole thing. I need to look at it more positively instead of so negatively. From today, I will make that pact; only positive thoughts about this research. After all, in the end I will have learnt something new that will help me, my child, and my colleagues.
As I learned how to understand research articles, I found it helpful. Using the chart was also helpful to breakdown an article and then go back and see exactly what it was saying in a way that I could understand. In the end, it was helpful.
From your perspectives, do you have any advice for me? How is your process going? I can use all the help and advice I can get.
When I first was told I had to have a subject to research, there was nothing that immediately jumped out at me. Not until I later read a post by a fellow student did I then realize I wanted to learn more on ADHD. I have a child who has ADHD and have struggled for teachers who generally want to help her succeed and do so. I have experienced that saying and doing are very different things. I also feel that they may have wanted to but did not really know how to. What works for one child may not work for another; I mean strategies. Well, the process of narrowing down the subject to subtopics has been challenging for me. I want to do it exactly the way the teacher/professor wants, and I seem to be struggling with that too. Unfortunately, this process is not easy for me. I have too much freedom. I am a person who needs you to tell things. After all, I grew up in the military environment and am still heavily involved as military spouse. Where some may like the freedom, I find it overwhelming. However, just like all things in my life, I will accept the challenge and move forward. I do like the learning process. Even though I may not like it, I am learning things outside my comfort level meaning this will give me opportunities to grow. I believe that the first step moving forward is to change my perception of this whole thing. I need to look at it more positively instead of so negatively. From today, I will make that pact; only positive thoughts about this research. After all, in the end I will have learnt something new that will help me, my child, and my colleagues.
As I learned how to understand research articles, I found it helpful. Using the chart was also helpful to breakdown an article and then go back and see exactly what it was saying in a way that I could understand. In the end, it was helpful.
From your perspectives, do you have any advice for me? How is your process going? I can use all the help and advice I can get.
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Final Review of Issues and Trends in Early Childhood
Learning about all aspects that affect Early Childhood is important. With the good comes the bad and you have to accept all aspects of the field. Three things that I can say that are consequences to learning about the International field of Early Childhood for a professional and personal stand point is:
- Globally, we have things to overcome in the field of Early Childhood, not just in our own back yard.
- Overseas do not have the same resources financially that we do here. So we must pay to help those in need. It could be costly at our own expense. The rewards could be great but comes with a price.
- Finally, I feel like we have not made much head way in the progress of Early Childhood if the conditions are so widespread. The problems and issues seem so great. It is a little disheartening. I am truly sad. I wish, pray, and hope for an end to the suffering children are faced with.
One goal that I have for the International field of Early Childhood is that we continue to press forward for improvements in the lives of these little heroes. I say heroes, because they are overcoming great odds. We need to continue to bring awareness of this issue. Jerry Lee Lewis use to have telethons. Perhaps that's something we need to revisit to bring awareness. We need to optimize the technology that is at our disposal.
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Professional Goals, Hopes and Dreams
As I go deeper into my study in Early Childhood Studies, I am proud to be a part of an organization that works so hard in the area of young children. This week, I have learned and stressed the importance of being perceived as more than a "babysitter". It is my hope to help change that perception and be regarded for what we really are, "Professionals", working for the holistic development of children from birth to age 8 (at least). I love what I do and hope that comes across to others I am around. I want the behavior and attitude I have towards working with children to be a contagious behavior. I know that what I am doing can be perceived as contagious because we all want to see the best in kids. Adults make a difference in children's lives. Experience and further education will bring about the positive changes we need in regards to the profession of Early Childcare.
You can have a love for children, which is the start to a prospering career. At my job, that love can transfer into a fulfilled career. We will take that love for children and offer an opportunity for growth and development in the form for education through modules and then a CDA. We want each person to continue and grow. Not only do we want the best for our children but for the staff as well. In this career, there is always new information coming about in the growth and development of children. We want our teachers to be fully prepared to handle various children and situations when regarding children.
It is my goal and dream one day to no longer be in a classroom and be the one to help guide those that are in the classroom. Not that I don't love being in the classroom and being hands on with children but I feel it is now my time to move forward and lead the younger generation. I think it the time has come to now educate and guide those that working with children. I want to take what I know and have experienced and spread it to them. I feel now is the time. Also through my course of studies I want to be an advocate for children. Never before would I have thought as a path I would walk, but I see that being a professional and an advocate go hand in hand. As a professional I see it as my duty to spread the word and advocate for the profession and children. I am really surprisingly excited about this new adventure.

After exploring the website, UNESCO I am excited to see another organization with the interest of Early Childhood Care and Education across the world. It is so important to make a difference in the lives of children. I can see that the interest should not just lie in our country but in others as well. They too continue to partner with other countries and organizations to improve the lives of children and their families. It also is interesting to me that they are not interested in an monetary help but want you to get involved through their join us tab. I see their goal for excellence and quality for children through their projects, resources and achievements sections. As I have seen through other websites, they are in various countries in the world. It is my hope that through all these organizations, we are making a difference in the lives of children.
You can have a love for children, which is the start to a prospering career. At my job, that love can transfer into a fulfilled career. We will take that love for children and offer an opportunity for growth and development in the form for education through modules and then a CDA. We want each person to continue and grow. Not only do we want the best for our children but for the staff as well. In this career, there is always new information coming about in the growth and development of children. We want our teachers to be fully prepared to handle various children and situations when regarding children.
It is my goal and dream one day to no longer be in a classroom and be the one to help guide those that are in the classroom. Not that I don't love being in the classroom and being hands on with children but I feel it is now my time to move forward and lead the younger generation. I think it the time has come to now educate and guide those that working with children. I want to take what I know and have experienced and spread it to them. I feel now is the time. Also through my course of studies I want to be an advocate for children. Never before would I have thought as a path I would walk, but I see that being a professional and an advocate go hand in hand. As a professional I see it as my duty to spread the word and advocate for the profession and children. I am really surprisingly excited about this new adventure.
After exploring the website, UNESCO I am excited to see another organization with the interest of Early Childhood Care and Education across the world. It is so important to make a difference in the lives of children. I can see that the interest should not just lie in our country but in others as well. They too continue to partner with other countries and organizations to improve the lives of children and their families. It also is interesting to me that they are not interested in an monetary help but want you to get involved through their join us tab. I see their goal for excellence and quality for children through their projects, resources and achievements sections. As I have seen through other websites, they are in various countries in the world. It is my hope that through all these organizations, we are making a difference in the lives of children.
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Navigating through websites
Because we are talking about policymakers and advocates. I
have decided to explore this section of the website, In this section I
found that this area has some good articles that I would be interested in
learning more about. For example, there was an article about “preventing
expulsion from preschool and Child Care” I can not believe that this is
happening, but at the same time I can see how. Once I researched the page a
little more, I saw that there were videos related to the subject. This kind of
opened my eyes to the fact that this is happening in the field of Child Care. I
am actually shocked and perhaps disappointed in my peers. Children are going to
act up and have temper tantrums. I feel that if a child is resulted to being
expelled then the teachers are not taking the time to look at the child to see
what is going on. This kind of behavior tells me that there is so much more
under the surface of a child that he/she is not telling. This behavior at times
also tells future problematic systems like undiagnosed special needs, etc. We
are letting children fall through the cracks. This makes me sad, upset, frustrated,
and disappointed all at once.
Also, researching the Global Fund for Children shows me that
they continue to advocate for children. However, what they do for children is
not free. The emails that I have and continue to receive from them are to solicit
money people who show interest in their website. I have not yet donated any
money, but am intrigued to find out, what I happens if I do. Is that the next
step of involvement with this group? I don’t doubt that money they receive has
only the child’s best interest at heart. It would appear that they are
concerned as I am with the education and well-being of young children.
Especially ones, that do not live in our country, but ones that live abroad.
Other things I learned this week is that we are continuing
to press on towards the good fight for early childhood education and the
inclusion of preschool children. It seems that the issues we have are not new.
That tells me that we are still fighting for young children. In my opinion
progress seems to be made but is it at the rate that many of would like? It
would appear not. The question is then, how do we get things moving faster?
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Working Globally
Working Globally
After reviewing the website presented this week (6/10); I
have found that it is interesting that the in the world “200 million children
fail to reach their developmental potential by age 5” (Center on the Developing
Child, (n.d). I find this information interesting because here in the United
States we have many children too who fail to reach the same goal. As we have
come to find out that many factors are the reason why this happens. My question and thought is this……If children
in the world fail to reach their developmental potential because of location,
poverty, stress, etc.; then why do we have children failing to meet standards
by age 5 as well if America is suppose to be considered the land of
Another question that made me think as a result of things I
came across in my research of this website is that if people worldwide know and
understand that “the early childhood years are to be the initial building
blocks for lifelong health, not just school readiness” (Center on the
developing Child, (n.d); then why isn’t there more of a change? Are people not
listening to what is being said? Do they care or what? So then, why does it
continue to happen if people hear and understand what research has proven?
Is it because when applied in a scientific way does the
world, politicians, etc. treat it the same and finally acknowledge the issue.
Well I see the attention the issue has gained but is there really any change
that has taken place? And if so, how and at what rate? Are we going to fix this
problem 100%? I don’t think that the issues we face with children failing
really is anything new. There has always been a child or children out there
that will fail to be developmentally on track. Now we say that is by age 5.
What was done with the children then? Were they overlooked? Were they told they
were stupid? Or even, were they sent to a special place away from their families,
which really is the worst answer. I feel that in the past our methods to now
have improved. I feel that increased knowledge has increased which is better. I
do however also feel that the issues were always there.
In reality I feel that we should have always had a look at
this. Even if it was kept in the back of our minds. I feel strongly about this
because it affects kids. I see it now how first lady’s have taken a personal
conquest to improve children’s education and the standards. My question is why
now? We have always had a first lady. Now this is taking a turn into a history
lesson, but I am sure you get the point. Don’t get me wrong, I am glad we are
addressing the issue but why not sooner and that we way we could have had a
better plan in place or that plan could have been improved because the issue
has already been addressed, tried and tested. When it comes to children, they
are our responsibility to ensure children are meeting the standards
developmentally. We cannot expect children to have made that goal themselves. They
look to adults for guidance and direction. I think that because the numbers are
the way they are we have failed children. When I say we, I mean, scientists,
teachers, parents, policy makers, etc., we have failed our future.
Is it wrong to tell a higher official that they are doing it
wrong? That is how you open their eyes by telling them they are wrong. There
are better solutions. The children are our responsibilities.
The focus for these countries and globally “brain”
development. While I find their focus to be interesting and I understand how
brain development is important but should that really be the focus as to why
children are not developmentally ready? Is poverty a bigger problem? How much
of that contributes to the issue? I see it as a contributing factor but in a
way and at times I see poverty as a small factor to the issue for these
The Global Fund for Children:
Through the GFC and its partners they teach the children
lifelong skills that can improve their lives for the better and make them self-sufficient.
It is not just a donation they receive but also a way for them to improve their
lives for the better. They can do things on their own once equipped with the
right skills to sustain them. That to me is great. This happened to Jerish, a receiptant
from the GFC and it’s partners. “She now has the ability and was trained in
baking and agricultural” ( Global Fund for Children, 2015).
References:Sunday, June 4, 2017
Sharing Web Resources WK4
I have learned that if you have questions and no one around
to answer the question, the world wide web is available. The information found
on the web is outstanding. However, not all information is good information
too. You have to use common sense and try only to use creditable resources for
information. With that said lately I have been researching websites related
early childhood development.
is one that has caught my eye. Each week or more I have received emails from
them that has definitely given me a better understanding in my job and career. The
emails alone are informative to help the lives of children. They are also very
informative to the adults in their lives. Just recently I got an email from
them about a weekly youtube series they are sponsoring or posting on the topic
of Daddy’s matters. I think this is great. It gives an insight to how a dad
matters in a child’s life. Some dad’s just don’t know how to get involved or
really understand the impact they have on children. I am loving this idea. I
fully support this. I feel that this is just another thing that this website
and team have put together to put knowledge out there. I love it!!!
Professionally, I feel that this and others like this is a great way to support
families and teachers to support families we work with. Now it just so happens
to be around Father’s Day that this is presented but in reality we can
celebrate Dad’s all the time.
If I am going to be honest, which I strive to be, I have not
found anything on the website to be controversial in my eyes. When it comes to
children, it all needs to be addressed and told. If we try to say well we did
not know, then ignorance can be the excuse and in my opinion its children we
are talking about, that’s not a proper excuse in my eyes. Kids didn’t ask to
exist so it is up to us to advocate, educate, and spread the word.
The website provides information and resources about
building strong families like in the areas of child welfare, home visits, other
basic needs, etc. Then there are resources and information provided for early
learning experiences. These include early intervention policies and areas for
early childhood systems. The website also gives you an opportunity to join the
policy network offering ways to work with politicians for ECE. We want them to
hear our concerns being that we are in the field.
Now that I have had time to sit down and explore the website
more thoroughly, I love this website. There is not much I can say that does not
help me in my career to help support me daily or those around me.
I have learned that if you have questions and no one around
to answer the question, the world wide web is available. The information found
on the web is outstanding. However, not all information is good information
too. You have to use common sense and try only to use creditable resources for
information. With that said lately I have been researching websites related
early childhood development.
is one that has caught my eye. Each week or more I have received emails from
them that has definitely given me a better understanding in my job and career. The
emails alone are informative to help the lives of children. They are also very
informative to the adults in their lives. Just recently I got an email from
them about a weekly youtube series they are sponsoring or posting on the topic
of Daddy’s matters. I think this is great. It gives an insight to how a dad
matters in a child’s life. Some dad’s just don’t know how to get involved or
really understand the impact they have on children. I am loving this idea. I
fully support this. I feel that this is just another thing that this website
and team have put together to put knowledge out there. I love it!!!
Professionally, I feel that this and others like this is a great way to support
families and teachers to support families we work with. Now it just so happens
to be around Father’s Day that this is presented but in reality we can
celebrate Dad’s all the time.
If I am going to be honest, which I strive to be, I have not
found anything on the website to be controversial in my eyes. When it comes to
children, it all needs to be addressed and told. If we try to say well we did
not know, then ignorance can be the excuse and in my opinion its children we
are talking about, that’s not a proper excuse in my eyes. Kids didn’t ask to
exist so it is up to us to advocate, educate, and spread the word.
The website provides information and resources about
building strong families like in the areas of child welfare, home visits, other
basic needs, etc. Then there are resources and information provided for early
learning experiences. These include early intervention policies and areas for
early childhood systems. The website also gives you an opportunity to join the
policy network offering ways to work with politicians for ECE. We want them to
hear our concerns being that we are in the field.
Now that I have had time to sit down and explore the website
more thoroughly, I love this website. There is not much I can say that does not
help me in my career to help support me daily or those around me.
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