- Globally, we have things to overcome in the field of Early Childhood, not just in our own back yard.
- Overseas do not have the same resources financially that we do here. So we must pay to help those in need. It could be costly at our own expense. The rewards could be great but comes with a price.
- Finally, I feel like we have not made much head way in the progress of Early Childhood if the conditions are so widespread. The problems and issues seem so great. It is a little disheartening. I am truly sad. I wish, pray, and hope for an end to the suffering children are faced with.
One goal that I have for the International field of Early Childhood is that we continue to press forward for improvements in the lives of these little heroes. I say heroes, because they are overcoming great odds. We need to continue to bring awareness of this issue. Jerry Lee Lewis use to have telethons. Perhaps that's something we need to revisit to bring awareness. We need to optimize the technology that is at our disposal.
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