Saturday, July 22, 2017

Uplifting Story-Research that Benefits Children & Families

In my line of work I come to rely on the research that affects children. I don't any children who have participated in research specifically. I will honestly say that I may be willing to participate in research for children based on what it is for and why. I will only consider research as long as I don't have to give my children any types of medication. It is one thing to expose myself *(which I have) but to do it to my children is another matter.
However, in my everyday use, I depend on articles and research for things like biting and other matters of growth development affecting young children. I have conferences with parents and other teachers to deal with issue. I even print out things for those that are visual learners so they can understand what is happening. I then try to come up with a solution or plan of action as a team. I believe that without this research or information we wouldn't have the solutions we do. In these cases I appreciate the research that was done. I do not believe that harm came to the children. Well, maybe a slight harm, like another child may get bitten. In this case it is understandable. Not nice but an understandable risk. I can't believe that I am saying that. However, when looking at it this way I see it.

Image result for biting

Saturday, July 15, 2017

My Personal Research Journey

 I am now taking a research class. I really don't know how I feel about it. At first I was intimidated and looking forward to it. Now that I have had a chance to get my feet wet; I am less intimidated, still not excited yet. I have though decided on a research topic. It is one that I am very excited to learn more about and enlighten others on too. The subject is on ADHD. I want to better understand children with ADHD and how we as educators can help them succeed.

When I first was told I had to have a subject to research, there was nothing that immediately jumped out at me. Not until I later read a post by a fellow student did I then realize I wanted to learn more on ADHD. I have a child who has ADHD and have struggled for teachers who generally want to help her succeed and do so. I have experienced that saying and doing are very different things. I also feel that they may have wanted to but did not really know how to. What works for one child may not work for another; I mean strategies. Well, the process of narrowing down the subject to subtopics has been challenging for me. I want to do it exactly the way the teacher/professor wants, and I seem to be struggling  with that too. Unfortunately, this process is not easy for me. I have too much freedom. I am a person who needs you to tell things. After all, I grew up in the military environment and am still heavily involved as military spouse. Where some may like the freedom, I find it overwhelming. However, just like all things in my life, I will accept the challenge and move forward. I do like the learning process. Even though I may not like it, I am learning things outside my comfort level meaning this will give me opportunities to grow. I believe that the first step moving forward is to change my perception of this whole thing. I need to look at it more positively instead of so negatively. From today, I will make that pact; only positive thoughts about this research. After all, in the end I will have learnt something new that will help me, my child, and my colleagues.

As I learned how to understand research articles, I found it helpful. Using the chart was also helpful to breakdown an article and then go back and see exactly what it was saying in a way that I could understand. In the end, it was helpful.

From your perspectives, do you have any advice for me? How is your process going? I can use all the help and advice I can get.


Saturday, July 1, 2017

Final Review of Issues and Trends in Early Childhood

Learning about all aspects that affect Early Childhood is important. With the good comes the bad and you have to accept all aspects of the field. Three things that I can say that are consequences to learning about the International field of Early Childhood for a professional and personal stand point is:

  • Globally, we have things to overcome in the field of Early Childhood, not just in our own back yard.
  • Overseas do not have the same resources financially that we do here. So we must pay to help those in need. It could be costly at our own expense. The rewards could be great but comes with a price.
  • Finally, I feel like we have not made much head way in the progress of Early Childhood if the conditions are so widespread. The problems and issues seem so great. It is a little disheartening. I am truly sad. I wish, pray, and hope for an end to the suffering children are faced with. 
One goal that I have for the International field of Early Childhood is that we continue to press forward for improvements in the lives of these little heroes. I say heroes, because they are overcoming great odds. We need to continue to bring awareness of this issue. Jerry Lee Lewis use to have telethons. Perhaps that's something we need to revisit to bring awareness. We need to optimize the technology that is at our disposal.