Saturday, December 17, 2016

A Note of Thanks and support

Thank you to all my peers in ECS program. We have just begun but we are off to a good start. Thank you for all the comments and discussion posts. Good luck to you on this endeavor and with your professional goals. I pray that you get to where you want to be and make a great difference in the field.


  1. I really appreciate how read my discussion posts. posted something to my blog. I think you will be a great in your professional and in life. I hope we will cross paths in life and stay in touch over email, blogs. I would love to stay in connect as we finish this journey in life. thank you

  2. To Lisa Long
    I would like to tell you how much I like reading your discussion and blogs. I have learned a lot about you each week. I have enjoyed sharing back and forth each week with the blogs and discussions. I liked how you shared that your child has ADHD because some parents might not have shared that but thank you for doing that. I hope you go far in your career and hope to see you soon.
