Saturday, August 25, 2018

To say that I am sad to see this journey would be a lie. This has been long but so worth it in the end. I am thankful to be done but have learned so much along the way. I have learned and passed on many great things on this journey with Kids.
The first thing, I can be the biggest advocate for children. I can do so much more for them than help them develop who they are and will become.
The second thing is I truly understand more about children and families. My job is not just dedicated to the children, but their families. We have to connect with the families because even though the child may be with us more hours of the day than their parents, their parents are still first in their eyes and in their world. I cannot over step the boundaries the parents have laid for them.
Lastly, and one of the most important things I learned from this program is how to be an effective leader and communicator. Communication was already big on my radar for people and life, but now I understand how to do it better. It is like that book, “The 5 Love languages.” You have to understand your love language and others love language in order to understand them and truly show them love. Well the same goes for communication. You have to understand how they communicate and hear in order for you to be effective. Just because you say it does not mean, it was heard.
My long term goal, is to stay in this field for a lifetime. I know that may seem funny, but with how things are changing and moving, who knows where I will be tomorrow. I love this job. I want to make a difference, and I want to stay working in the ECE field.
I want to tell everyone who has helped, guided me and went through this journey together, thank you from the bottom of my heart and that we are DONE!!! I am so glad that I did it and went through it with you all. You guys helped me grow, understand things better/differently and I appreciate it.

Good Luck to you all!!! God Bless!!

Wanted to include a wordle but couldn't so here are my words:
Early Childhood Forever
God Bless

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Taking Professional Responsibility for Consequence

UNESCO or the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. This international organization appeals to me. They support many different areas. Their main focus is education and development of children around the world. They want peace for all. The job opportunities they offer is about 5. The position is international and located around the world like Italy, Paris and Baghdad just to name a few. Positions that would interest me is Programme Assistant, and Programme Specialist. One position is more of an assistant doing things like secretarial stuff.
The Academy for Educational Development seems like a group that I want to be a part of. I once lived in England and will support this one. The organization “has earned success through different core values, being passion, respect, results integrity, innovation, diversity, and excellence. They have full and part time jobs.  I didn’t really see where they had job opportunities, but it did have a place to contribute. Little information was available but I did like the as an organization.

Save the Children is another international organization that appealed to me. They feel that every child deserves a future. As far as job opportunities, you can always donate. You can participate in events or even be an advocate for children, through their website.
If you decide to participate in an event there are many across the county to participate in like the NYC half mile, Miami Marathon, and Disney wine and dine, just to name a few.
Sponsoring a child is another way to get involved.
Didn’t really see how to work for them but they offer many ways to get involved and chances to save a child.