While I have still struggled to make contacts with any individuals in another country. I was able to do some research on UNICEF's page with regards to child poverty and found some interesting facts. I researched and explored the information regarding Jamaica. I have friends who are from Jamaica and they have told me of their childhood or experiences there that are no where close to the ones who have come to understand about this beautiful traveling destination. As they call it, it ain't "visitor Jamaica", it is more like the "Stabbing Jamaica." This too is a famous line from a movie starring Chris Rock. Anyway, as I did more research I have come to find that
1. There are policies in place to end child poverty in Jamaica. So as I never thought my friends to be liars, there are children in Jamaica suffering and in poverty.
2. The International guidelines and commitments include to eliminate the sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage or compulsory labor, child prostitution, the use of children to traffic drugs, and other activities that is harmful to children development. (while I know that this type of things happen, it kills me to know that there are people out there who use children as a means for any of this to happen. They are children who do not deserve to endure such a thing or live a life like this. I know it may sound ignorant like it doesn't happen, but I want the best for ALL children).
3. UNICEF is very concerned with the poverty with Jamaica and does what it can to provide education and resources to the country to combat child poverty ( I am glad there are programs like UNICEF to help with children, they need an advocate, worldwide).
Poverty with Children from Jamaica exist because of health issues. Children are exposed to diseases and HIV/AIDS, low education, and deprivation.
Information for Jamaica can be found on