Saturday, November 26, 2016


Position Statements and Influential Practices

Global Support for Children's Rights and Well-Being

Selected Early Childhood Organizations


YC Young Children
  • Childhood
  • Journal of Child & Family Studies
  • Child Study Journal
  • Multicultural Education
  • Early Childhood Education Journal
  • Journal of Early Childhood Research
  • International Journal of Early Childhood
  • Early Childhood Research Quarterly
  • Developmental Psychology
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  • Maternal & Child Health Journal
  • International Journal of Early Years Education

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    Saturday, November 19, 2016

    Personal Childhood Web
    The 5 people who cared about me when I was young were 1. My Mom, 2. My Dad, 3. My cousins, 4. Aunt, & 5. Grandmother.

    1. My Mom, Yong Ae Lewis is a Native of Korea. She has always been there for me. No matter what I am doing or what is going on in my life she is always there. I can call her today and she will be there for me. I have had to learn this lesson and in a way, the hard way, but no matter what, she will always love me and WILL always be there for me, because she is my MOM. I am the oldest of my mother's daughters. Culturally, I am obligated to take care of her as she once took care of me. This will happen when she gets older. The funny thing is that, it is not an obligation I feel, I would do it anyway, because she is my mother and I love her unconditionally. She was the disciplinarian in our family, but did it in love and taught me so much because of it. I am not upset her because of this but am very appreciative to her for doing it the way she did.
    2. My Day, Ralph Lewis. He was my everything. He died just days before my 13th birthday, serving his country. He was in my life long enough to make that lasting impact on my life. I was daddy's little girl. There was nothing I would not do with him or for him. Even though he missed out on a lot, he was there for a lot of my firsts, like first step, first boyfriend and so many more. He taught me how to play basketball and the importance of an education. He was always there for me. Although my mother was more of the disciplinarian, I respected my father and would not test him. He had a lot of influence on my life then and even now. His teachings and foundations is how I raise my own family. He definitely nurtured my younger years. He provided for my sister, mother and I. I know he wasn't perfect but somehow he still sits on a pedal stool for me. As I said I learned the importance of an education from him. He gave me my foundation for it. I have the appreciation I do for education because of him. He would help me with homework. When I was a kid, he ordered the Encyclopedia set and each one would come a month at a time. When we got a new letter we would lay on the floor reading it together. That is a memory I will treasure always.
    3. My cousins- Loncel, Loris, and Lewis Washington. When I was in those younger influential years, I grew up with my cousins on my dad's side of the family. My sister and I were the youngest, so all we wanted to do was hang around them. They were just so cool to us. They were pretty cool about it too, mostly, they let us hang with them. They made sure we never got hurt, it could of been cause then they would have gotten in trouble too, but they looked out for us. There was this one time sitting at my aunt's house where we were all sitting in the family room just hanging and they were asked what they wanted to be when they grew up. They all went around answering the question. Well then it came to my sister and I; so we were expected to answer too. You have to know that my cousins are all at least 5-10 years older than us. But, I was still was required to answer. Growing up, the Huxtable's were a huge influence. So since I didn't not want to be in school forever, I chose to be a Lawyer, cause I did not want to go to school as long as a doctor had to. Plus, who didn't love Claire Huxtable. Well, from that point on I made it my mission to make my words a reality. Because in that conversation, we were also told that once a person chooses a career, they will change it at least a dozen times; and I was determined for that not to be me. Well, I can honestly say that I held onto that until my sophomore year in college. And then it did change at least a few times more, but I still walked away with those characteristics that help build who I am today. They greatly influenced my younger years. I still talk to my cousins, as much as I can. I love my cousins dearly. Only they can get away with calling me the nicknames they did when I was a child, today.
    4. My aunt- Linda Washington "AKA" Aunt Tooty. She was just my favorite aunt growing up. She had the best house to be at. I could be there all the time if my parents let me. She became a foster parents when I was a kid and gave me the idea that I too could give back in this way. She was a God-fearing woman. They said I looked like her as a kid and I just ate that up. I loved to hear it. She guided my words and directions as a kids. She just had a heart of Gold. I loved her. She was the best aunt. She spoiled me and was always encouraging to me. There was nothing I couldn't do with her support surrounding me. Growing up I wanted to be like her, like the way she treated people, they all loved her.
    5. Lastly, is my Grandmother- Odelle Lewis-Brooks. She was the matriarch of the family. She taught all her children and grandkids the importance and reverence of God in our lives. She named me, so we kinda had a special bond. I really am very grateful for the relationship I had with this woman. She would chastise me but in a loving and understanding way. She always had a way about her that you would do anything for her. When my father died, she really did become the tie that held my sister and I to that part of our family. She always made sure we ate and never went hungry. I remember one time, when we came to visit from California and she sent over a HUGE pot of spaghetti to where we were eating. She just was so loving, thoughtful and selfless. She would answer my questions, no matter how crazy they were; and as a kid I asked a lot of question, LOL. She gave us unconditional love. She led by example in all she did for us and to us.

    Words of Inspiration and Motivation

    Self-determination for citizens with disabilities is about freedom. Freedom to decide how one wants to live his or her own life. Self-determination means having authority over resources and taking responsibility for decisions and actions -Ann Turnbull

    All the children (including those with special learning needs) are part of a community of learners in which everyone considers and contributes to one another's well-being and learning - Susan Bredekamp

    I feel like owed the families my best - Renatta M. Cooper

    Thursday, November 3, 2016

    BOGO Subway sandwich and other deals for National Sandwich Day! 

    National Sandwich Day!! Wahoo.

    Head to Subway and buy and sandwich with a drink and receive one FREE!!
    Today only November 3.

    Wednesday, November 2, 2016

    So many great quotes for young children, but one I like particularly says:

    "Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them" by Lady Bird Johnson, Former First Lady of the United States.

    I have a story to go along with this quote.

    A few years ago I was teaching Junior High kids. I was the Special Education Study Skills teacher. I didn't have large classes and I loved what I did. I am not an old fashioned traditional teacher. I am however, a little old school in that I give respect when it is earned. I expect manners. I will never treat a child wrongly and everyday is a new day. We leave what happened yesterday at the door. Anyway, I had a Hispanic 8th grade student whose name was Carlos. Carlos got into trouble a lot, didn't like to do his work, and just had a history of being a bad student. Well Carlos came into my class right off the bat thinking he was gonna be in control. I gave him an assignment to do and he tells me "No." I told him excuse me he then told me I didn't like him and it is was because he was Mexican. I immediately put that nonsense to rest and told him that I could not be racist because I was half Korean and half Black. Nothing in me was racist, cause I ain't got time for that. He stood there confused cause he didn't know how to react. I just laughed and told him to sit down. After that we never had issues, as a matter fact we had an understanding.
    Well he did not have it that way in all his other classes, as a matter of fact another of his teachers, really disliked me because I could get this student to do work for me but not in his class. And he ranked high on the totem pole with the district, so his ego was a bit high too. Anyway, Carlos comes into my class one day fuming mad. He sits down, and slams his books down on the desk. I went to him and asked him, what was wrong. He told me that the teacher told him to get out of his class and that we would never amount to nothing other than a garbage man.  Now I was just irritated. Adults should no better. But I went to Carlos and told him not to worry cause as a Garbage man he makes more money than him as a teacher so take it as a compliment. He looked up at me like I was crazy. I just laughed and told him to go look for himself. In the back of my room were these ancient dinosaur like computers. They worked and got the job done, so he went back and looked up what I told him. When he was done, I swear to you it was a new kid. To this day, he is in High School and doing better.

    This is an older kid, but what we tell our kids, they believe. We have to feed them positive things so they will be the great people someday. If we believe they are great, they will. We should believe that our children can be whatever they wan to be.  I feel this way about all kids no matter the age. If we start young they have a better chance at greatness not matter what others try to tell them.

    Pics of me, As a kid, and today. Wow, how I've grown!!


    Hi, my name is Lisa Long. I am new to this whole Blogging thing. But I think I may enjoy this. Stay tuned for the ride, should be interesting.

    "There was an old lady who swallowed a Fly" is a children's book I love. This woman is amazing, she can swallow anything and does. It is a very fun and interactive book that is also a felt story to do with the children. The original ending is a bit creepy and morbid because not sure why "perhaps she'll die" was chosen as the phrase to use. Some versions alter that ending. However, if we look back to some of our favorite nursery rhymes, they are the same. For example, "Rock a bye baby," and "London Bridges." My thoughts are, what were these people thinking? We sing them to our children anyway. LOL